5 Powerful Practices to Awaken Your Erotic Feminine Energy

Every woman holds within her a radiant, untamed essence that is her birthright. It’s the Erotic Divine Feminine—an energy that connects us to our sensuality, creativity, inner Wild Woman, and deep feminine wisdom. Yet, modern life can make it easy to disconnect from this inner fiery energy. I’ll walk you through five transformative practices to reignite that irrisistable spark, helping you step into a more empowered and connected version of yourself. If you're ready to explore and celebrate your feminine essence, let’s dive in!

1. Rewrite Your Story Around Sexuality

Begin by acknowledging the story you've been told or have told yourself about your sexuality. Are there beliefs that limit your connection to pleasure and self-acceptance? Let go of any shame or fear tied to your erotic self. Write a new story that honors your sexuality as sacred and empowering. Embrace it as a source of strength and connection. This is an important step that I support and go deep with my 1 on1 clients with.

2. Tap into the Wisdom of Your Womb

Your womb holds ancient wisdom and intuition. Place your hands gently over your womb and breathe deeply into this space. Visualize energy flowing between your heart and womb, creating an intimate connection. Feel the guidance and intuitive power that rises from this practice, helping you connect with a grounded, intuitive version of yourself.

3. Connect with the Energy of Your Yoni

Your yoni holds immense power and wisdom. Drop deeply into her, (can be through visualization, interoception, energetically or physcially connecting with her), and tune into what she’s feeling sensationally and emotionally. From here you can dance with her, allow yourself to move as her, allowing her energy to lead and guide your movements. When you move from your yoni, you embody your power, sensuality and liberation. This practice invites you to feel deeply connected to your feminine core, infusing each movement with intention and reverence.

4. Yoni Gazing

See full The Yoni Gazing Ritual: How to Reconnect With Your Feminine Power blog here. Take a few quiet moments to gaze at your yoni in the mirror, inviting in love, acceptance, and awe. Witness her beauty with compassion, and let go of any judgments. This powerful practice can deepen self-connection and self-love, allowing you to embrace your feminine self fully.

5. Engage All Your Senses

Explore connecting with your feminine energy by engaging all your senses. Touch, taste, sound, smell, and sight can all bring you into a state of present-moment awareness, bring you back into the wisdom of your body and awaken your sensual side. Light candles, apply oils, or listen to music that inspires eros, and let these sensory experiences bring you back into your body and heart.


These practices invite you to reconnect with the erotic divine feminine energy within—a force that fuels creativity, joy, and self-love. The journey of embracing your feminine self is one of power, depth, and profound intimacy.

Are you ready to receive deeper support in the realms of sex, love & relationships? If so, I’m your go to intimacy expert! Click the link below to learn how to work with me through my online programs, luxury 1 on 1 coaching, couples coaching & more. 🌹


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